Bubble Bubble... Toil and Trouble

Perhaps a bit off-season, but progress was slow.

I picked up these lovely Malifaux models just before Halloween for my bride who's quite the Samhainophile. Is that a word? She's a fan of all things spooky. The models were the Wyrd 2021 Halloween special and right up her alley.

The gang. It's essentially a re-release of another crew with entirely new models. I added most of the pumpkins and the plant on the base of the kettle that's gone off the rails.

The three weird sisters. Part with, part tree. One with the swamp.

Our leader, the animated kettle and an unlucky prince! I put that pumpkin under him in keeping with the Halloween theme.

And a close up up big stinky. I understand how disappointing the text in the tome is. Poor monster is reading an empty accounting ledger!


  1. Wonderful models and painting, with extra pumpkin spice, no less!


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