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Making Things

I finished up some simple tabletop decorations yesterday, trying to keep things fresh and interesting for Frostgrave. These are some simple columns that will look good lining the sides of a walkway or surrounding a central location of interest.  Part 1 involved chopping up a 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch square dowel into 3" segments. I made 2 4" segments just 'cuz. Some Gorilla Glue, metal washers and wooden disks to cover the central hole in the washers and there you go. I found some really cute Reaper Bones braziers that started this project so they were glue atop the columns. After painting and some dry grass flock on some of the bases, here's the finished product. Those columns aren't exactly plumb but close enough is good enough for me! They'll look nice on the tabletop. 

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