Just an Update

 Not much going on here. I've played a bit of X-Wing the last couple of weekends with Ziggy. Pics or it didn't happen, right?

I ran a Rebel list last Saturday and First Order the Saturday prior. The FO list work well - high initiative, high quality, low survivability ships. We were fit to be TIEd! Ziggy's been flying Empire lately so it really was a boatload of TIEs on the table. My Rebels fared badly against his TIEs though. The E-Wing, a very high-end ship, suffered from shitbox dice rolls and died swiftly and noisily. The spacetruck Kashyyk ship was pretty bad-ass though and gained many props from both of us - we were rather impressed with it.

I also had this lovely lot arrive a week or so ago:

So yeah, we'll be playing more toy boats next year!

Mikey made it home today after his long hospital stay. I guess now the hard part really begins for him with his wife now gone. Funeral is this Sunday. I'm sad.


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