Goings On

 Haven't posted in some time so I thought it might be good to slap together an update.

1. I'm teaching Blood Bowl to David today. It's right up his alley, being a thoughtful Starfleet Battles player. Perhaps it looks like silly football on the surface, but at it's heart it's a thinkin' man's game. Looking forward to it. That of course lit a fire under by butt to paint at least one of my teams! I finished up my Elf team. Here are some bad photos of them. Maybe some action shots later during the game.

They have a definite Anime vibe. I'm really looking forward to playing later. 

2. Zig and I played Command and Colors: Jacobite Rising last evening. Very good. Very very good. I'm constantly impressed with the creator's ability to summon period flavor out of simple wooden blocks. Now that I own Ancients, Samurai Battles and Jacobite Rising and can really compare different versions it's much more impressive.

We played the first two battles - Killiecrankie and Dunkeld. I was given command of the rebels for both battles, winning Killiecrankie handily and then getting thrashed at Dunkeld.

I was dealt a phenomenal opening hand and this became my plan.

It worked out.

Dunkeld features a few government troops in town holding off a horde of uppity Highlanders.

Should be a cake walk...

Well, fate conspired to feed me a disproportionately high number of "left" cards. Combined with one or two stupid decisions, decent shooting by the loyalists and not so great dice, Ziggy whooped me good.

Great fun. C&C is always a good time.

3. Finally, the order arrived from Newline across the pond. 

So exciting!
More French and Prussian 20mm Napoleonics. An Infantry and cavalry unit for each. The French infantry are in progress now.


  1. looking good, Ski! The Commands and Colors games set in the "tricorne" era are the best of the series, in my humble opinion.


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