On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...

Twelve goblins spearing...

Eight mechs a' meching...

Painting progress is already pretty decent in the new year. I received plenty of minis for Christmas, many of which have already been committed to the "completed" side of the ledger.

Six lighter mechs for my Steel Viper clan forces. This is a mix of older metal sculpts and the contents of the Clan Striker Star box set from Catalyst Labs.  Left to right those are a Piranha, Vapor Eagle, Incubus, Eyrie, Nova and a Dasher. The Steel Viper collection was skewing heavy and these tip  the scales towards the center.

Two mechs from the Striker Star box were allocated to the Fire Mandrills, a Horned Owl and a Conjurer.

Also just completed are twelve goblin fighters from a box of Oathmark plastic 28mm goblins that were also under the Christmas tree. Many more where these came from.

Certainly a different tribe than the others I've painted recently but very close size-wise to Wargames Atlantic plastic goblins. 

I have a battle recap I need to post. I'll get to that in the next few days. Be well!


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