A Hole in my Head

 I did the thing. I bought Bolt Action stuff. 

Not sure how I feel about that, but you know what? I'm enjoying the hell out of the build process! 

I bought a British infantry starter army, though they'll be dolled up as wicked nasty Canadians. I'll need to pawn the Churchill that came in the box off on someone or trade it for a Sherman. 

So, what was I thinking, right? Well, after the flood, renovations and my wife and son re-decorating to their taste, my ability to host games in my dining room has been severely affected. This means that My out-of-the-house gaming will likely increase. Mike runs a lots of Warlord games at his club and having a BA force gives me an opportunity to throw dice.

I did up 36 MDF bases with putty, sand and a basecoat to help keep the sand in place.

Some tough dudes awaiting their bases.

Other tough dudes being supported by their metal gun crew brethren while the superglue sets.

 I'm enjoying this so far. If you know me at all, I really do love the building and painting part of the hobby and this scratches that itch very well.


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