Hole In Head - Status Report

I've really been enjoying the process with the Bolt Action minis. Nothing like a bog box of interesting miniatures to keep me happy! It's all more or less complete except for decals and weathering on the vehicles and some additional ground cover / foliage on the weapons teams' bases. I took some pictures of the infantry last evening. WITNESS ME!*

First Section

Second Section

Third Section

And oddballs including an extra sergeant with a Sten, a Forward Observer, PIAT guy, extra rifleman / helper, Lieutenant and light mortar guy.

I've got an intro game set up with Wayne next weekend. Obviously, I'm quite looking forward to that. I'll get pics of the 6 pdr, HMG and Mortar along with the UC and Sherman as soon as they're wrapped up.

* We saw Furiosa last weekend. Hells yes. So much fun and a worthy successor to Fury Road.


  1. Some damn fine looking troops!

  2. Wonderful project coming along nicely!

    1. It's been a blast! So far I've resisted temptation to expand the collection although I'm sure we're all familiar with the temptations that plastic and metal hold.


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