Weekend Update

 Ziggy and I got in that Dragon Rampant scenario playtest yesterday evening. No thorough AAR, but a couple of pics.

The scenario is inspired directly by the great movie Army of Darkness. Undead "Deadites" led by Naughty Ash fighting it out with the living, led by Goody Two-Shoes. The scenario played well and I know exactly what terrain to pack with me in a few weeks. Goody Two-Shoes' car is obviously a scratch conversion of a toy car with a handmade windmill blade  for carving up Deadites. I spent a few hours thinking about how to do it and make it look interesting and plenty more time getting the blade support to stay put! I'm happy with the result which is certainly evocative of Ash's car in the final battle. 

I finished up the first batch of commission work for Wayne this morning. Some pics.

They're out of a board game called Star Saga. Primary color is lavender with Army Painter "Slaughter Red" speed paint over it. The almost raspberry color is nice but still gives off a strong "not to be taken lightly" vibe.


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