Gnomecon Prep!

Work. How obnoxious.

My Gnomecon plans will be curtailed thanks to silly old work.

Hopefully I'll still be able to play Start Fleet Battles on Friday night.

Saturday I've got a table reserved for the morning and after lunch slots. I'll be playing and showing off StarDust with Ziggy. I've got a two-game linked scenario worked out that should be pretty entertaining.

I'd originally planned to play in the X-Wing tournament on Saturday with my son who was also quite excited to play only to find out it is supposed to be a two-day affair, Friday and Saturday. Call me mean, but I'm not letting him out of school early to play in a game tournament that I also may not be able to attend because of work. Here's hoping for a poor X-Wing turnout on Friday so the X-Wing gets cut to a one-day only tourney on Saturday that we can actually play in. ;)

Gaming for Sunday is probably out - I imagine my part of the project at work is going to be most easily done then - after the other company is done with their part. I just need to hit up 70+ PCs and change some desktop icons, etc.

I think I'm done getting models and stuff sorted out for Saturday - I've been sick since last Saturday and haven't been easily motivated at the painting table. I based some more aquarium plant trees and made some asteroid field templates but nothing too strenuous. I guess tonight I'll start assembling my bug-out box for Saturday morning.


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