Check Your 6 - Battle of Britain Games

 Zig came by on Saturday afternoon for dinner and a couple game of WW2 Check Your 6. We're both Jet Age veterans so the new, simpler game would just be a matter of adjusting to slower speeds and shorter ranges.

The first game was just 2 @ Me109s vs 2 Spitfires. 

After a bit of the old "twisty turny" one of my 109s was done. It had taken an engine hit and I failed a piloting skill check to do something or other. The plane went out-of-control and over the course of three turns drove itself into the ground. Truly a crap way to lose a plane. We called the game there.

After wings + beer we came back for another battle. We turned up the chaos going to four planes each and assigning six pilot skill points to our four planes. Ziggy had four Spitfires with skill ratings of 2/2/1/1. I used two 109s and two 110s with skills of 2/2/2/0. 
The BF110s are Wings of Glory models which are conveniently also 1/200 scale so they match the Blood Red Skies models almost exactly.

As with many of these games, we got into a world-class "furball" before long. My tan 110 took an engine hit and an elevator hit early, prior to this mess. 

But while "untying the knot" I got blue and red into position behind a Spitfire that had taken airframe damage. The 109 finished off the British fighter, exhausting all its 20mm ammo in the process. The 110 hit, but also exhausted all its ammo during that shot! Ugh. 

Both 110s were done with one beaten up badly and the other with no offensive weapons. I was ready to call it when Zig beat me to the punch! He had one KIA, another with airframe damage and felt like he was in as bad a position as I was thinking I was. Classic, we were both ready to throw up the white flag and his went up moments before mine. A great battle though and loads of fun.

Be well!


  1. Close game, looks like fun. Running out of ammo, hate when that happens. Love the look at 1/200.


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