The Plane Boss, The Plane

 After five and a half years, I have finally finished painting the planes that came with my Blood Red Skies starter box. I bought it in early 2019 when it was the new hotness. I didn't terribly much care for BRS but recently had the desire to play to WW2 air combat games. I picked up Check Your 6, since I lover CY6: Jet Age and started thinking about minis. Scrounging up the BRS minis was pretty easy and it was convenient that the I had airbrushed the Spitfires years ago. I placed an order for decals with Miscellaneous Miniatures ( A few days on the table and job's done! Colors and markings are "close enough" and unlikely to hold up to a geek's scrutiny. 

Oh, and I did attach magnets to the undersides of the planes so they'd work with my CY6 flight stands.

I can add a few to the numbers and variety via Wings of Glory since those planes are also 1/200 scale. These should keep me happy for a little while though.


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