Two Minis

 I finished a couple of scenario-specific minis for the Pulpy! game I'm going to host at Southern Front in September. That's the steampunk pulp central America scenario wifey and Z helped me playtest a couple months ago.

I present a jaguar and a mystical skull!

The jaguar is a repainted cougar plastic toy. It's a little large, but who cares, right? The skull was a Halloween decoration bit that got some color-shift paint and eerie glowing eyes. Not quite a crystal skull, but you get the point. I also got some toy crocs to use for that game...

They're closer to proper size for 28/32mm. Not sure if I'm going to paint a couple or just leave them as-is. Now, if I could just get to ship the damn McGuffin characters I need for that scenario, I'd be set. Those bums didn't tell me until two weeks after I place the order that one of the items is backordered. The chose to tell me this right before this:

I just don't have the words. I can't find anyone else with suitable models in stock. I'll figure something out. 


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