Pulpy - Scenario Testing

 A couple of weekends ago I put my Pulp skirmish game on the table for the first time since March when we played it at Skirmish game con. It was a scenario test run to check objectives, terrain, etc. The testing went well and my playtesters, Ziggy and the Bride both enjoyed the game itself. I'm hoping to take Pulpy up to Southern Front in Raleigh in September and this is the scenario I've put together. Without going too deep into specifics, a few pictures.

I've decided on one fairly significant dice mechanic change to the rules to speed up play. One of those flashes of brilliance while I was doing something else. It helps me stay true to my preferred gaming tenet of ONE DICE ROLL = ONE RESULT. I'm pretty excited about that. I do need to set up a small game of Pulpy! to confirm that it works as expected but I'm pretty confident. Until next time, be well!


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